The Farm

Welcome to Kin Loch Farmstead
Kin Loch Farmstead, Western New York's first lavender farm, was born in the Spring of 2018 when we planted 2,000 lavender plants on the front parcel of our 30 acre plot. We specifically chose this land because of its sandy soil, which is perfect for lavender, a plant indigenous to the sandy soils of the Mediterranean. Our location along the Niagara Wine Trail also blesses us with the same fertile land and microclimate that makes the Niagara Escarpment perfect for growing grapes and apple orchards.
Eight varieties of French and English lavender are being grown, including: Folgate, Royal Velvet, Melissa, Betty's Blue, Hidcote Giant, Phenomenal, Grosso and Gros Bleu. Each variety offers its own shade of purple, blue and pink, while also serving various perfume and culinary purposes. If treated right, these perennial flowers can live for up to 15 years!
Each variety blooms at different times which means Kin Loch will be seeing lavender blooms from June - August. We welcome guests to come to harvest their own lavender - a relaxing and meditative experience.
About Us

Hi! We're Alex & Ryan Plante!
Hello, we’re Alex and Ryan Plante - welcome to our farm! We started Kin Loch Farmstead in the Spring of 2018 as an outlet away from our corporate jobs and a way to get back to the land. Neither of us comes from a farming background but are both drawn to it and hope to pass on the value of hard work and appreciating nature to our children.
In Gaelic kin means "family" and loch means "lake." Our hope is that Kin Loch will be a place where families can celebrate love and life, right here at our little farm between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.
The Apiary
Bees love lavender and we love bees. Our farm is home to several hives, full of happy bees that are often seen pollinating our fields. About one third of the food that we consume each day relies on pollination, which is why we work hard to make our farm a happy and safe place for the bees. Each Fall we harvest honey which we bottle and sell the following summer. If you come out to the farm please look out for our tiny friends buzzing through our fields.
What a beautiful buzz.
The Lavender
Proud Member of the United States Lavender Growers Association

Kin Loch Farmstead is a proud member of the United States Lavender Growers Association (USLGA). The USLGA was formed to support and promote the United States Lavender industry and is recognized as a global leader in providing education, research, and support to lavender growers.
Lavender has a rich history dating back over 2,500 years across multiple civilizations. Romans used lavender oils for cooking, bathing, and scenting the air. The name is derived from the Latin verb lavare, which means, “to wash.” There are even references to lavender in the Bible. It has always been beloved for its beautiful colors, aromatic fragrances, and calming effects.
The calming effects of Lavender have been documented for centuries and are still being studied and proven today. A recent New York Times Article discusses studies that show relief from anxiety could be triggered just by inhaling lavender through your nose. Lavender products such as candles, sachets, lotions, and oils can help relax and relieve anxiety. Many people use diffusers or lavender sachets under their pillows to help them sleep at night.
Lavender is known around the world for its beautiful purple flowers. Most people don't realize that the color of lavender actually varies depending on the strain of the plant and that the color can range from white to dark purple. At Kin Loch we grow many types of lavender which produce a wide range of purple flowers and even some blue. All colors make for great bouquets which, if dried and stored properly, can last for years.
Lavender is a versatile herb for cooking and is used in restaurants all over the world to enhance both the flavor and appearance of food. English Lavender is often used for culinary purposes as it is sweeter than French Lavender. The flowers and leaves can be used fresh, and both buds and stems can be used dried. Lavender can be used in lattes, mixed drinks, lemonade, baked goods, ice cream, beer and so much more. There are even lavender-specific cook books showing ways that lavender can enhance any meal.
U- Pick Lavender
Each July we offer several dates of lavender u-pick where visitors can come to enjoy our farm and harvest their own lavender. Our barn is transformed into a mini market with lavender products and treats. Subscribe to our email to be notified about our lavender u-pick dates in 2025!
We allow private photography session on our property for 1 week during the lavender bloom season. Subscribe to our emails to get updates on next year's photo session dates!